Thursday, April 28, 2011

Dr. appointment went well today

Our  Dr appointment went   a lot better this week than  last week. Our lil guy is  growing and  getting  stronger.  He now  weighs  1lb 4 oz! Last Thursday is  head to  lung ratio ( What they use to measure his lungs) was  1.1 this week it measured 1.6., the  larger the  better  it means his  lung is  getting  bigger! Last week we were told his liver was  60-70 % up and  today it looked as if it was only  30-40 %  up in his chest. I hope it continues to   stay  either where it is or even  leave  the  chest all together. With the  numbers we had last week the board  approved  us to be able to have the tracheal inclusion  to where they  would insert a  hydrogel into his  lungs to help stimulate lung growth. Dr. Yang wants to  hold of   just yet on getting that  since his lungs seem to be  improving slowly. If they can  grow on their own that is even better!  With all the bad news we  have  been  getting I will take the  little bit of good news that  they have to give. I know we still have  a  very long and  crazy  road ahead of us, there is  going to be  plenty of ups and  downs. Tomorrow I will be  6 Months  which means only 3 more months till I  get to see my lil  guy <3 Please  keep the prayers coming for him as he has  a long  fight ahead of him


  1. shelly butlerApril 28, 2011

    wow julie i am so happy for you guys im so glad he is doing better maybe in that three months that hole and his organs will drop more and his lungs will grow a lot but i am so happy you guys got good news really makes me happy ill keep the prayers coming sweety just no stressing and take it easy as much as you can

  2. Julia:

    So glad you started a blog. It really helped me through our entire journey with CDH. I'll add your lilguy to my list of CDH Fighters. Take care of yourself and that precious baby boy.

    Janna Caravia
