Monday, June 27, 2011

Dr appointment for 6-23 went very good!

 Doctor appointment went good . Parker  weighed  4lbs 1oz ( last time was 2 lbs  15oz), He has hair and has practiced his breathing which is  good. We tried to get  more 3D  pics  but as we all know to well he wants to surprise us with  that he looks like when he  comes out. We were able to see that he has  some chubby cheeks. His hands are always in his face  and then he moved  them and  put his  toes up there  lol. My fluid  levels are still in the normal rage, Valastos  said they are  steady and  it looks  good :)  We have a  head to lung ratio of a 3( last time was only a 2.1) so that too was  awesome!  They have gave me  a  date for the  exit procedure  it is  July 29th which means we are ONLY 32 days away  YIKES....  I am  excited yet  scared for him to come. The  doctors  say things are looking  good it is now just waiting to see how the lungs will operate when he comes out.  Once again thanks for all the prayers, I can never thank you all enough.
* Pray that  no early signs of labor  before  July 29th***STAY  PUT  PARKER***
* Lung growth*
and  most important
* his lungs  operate good enough to not have ECMO*

 Next appointment is on 7-7 * Pray for good news* <3
I would love to talk to other CDH mommies! If you would like to add me on Facebook!/profile.php?id=1550320221
Just send me a  message :)


  1. AnonymousJuly 03, 2011


    I have tried your link to facebook but its not working. Would be happy to touch base with you if there's another method of doing so. Have you found the Cherubs pg on facebook(CHERUBS - Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Research, Awareness and Support)? Its a great place to start to meet other parents affected by CDH. I'm there as well and if I see you there I'll be sure to touch base.

    Renee B

  2. Did you try copy and paste the link to you address bar I got it to work that way

  3. AnonymousJuly 03, 2011

    Ok, the problem was I was signed it when cutting and pasting to the address bar. Once I logged out of my FB account it worked :).

  4. Just found your blog. Praying for your little guy. I'm also a cdh Mom. If you have questions please don't hesitate to ask.

    ~Terri and Ava Helmick!/raisingcdhkids

  5. Sorry wrong address on my comment.!/raisingcdhkids
